Monthly Archives: January 2016

Groundhog Day Hike

What does Groundhog day really mean? I honestly don’t know but hiking and exploring nature is always fun! Bring family, friends, and children to Roaring Brook Nature Center for a guided walk through nature. Preregistration is not required and this event is open to all. This is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Also, I just looked up what groundhog day is. According to folklore, on this day if it is cloudy when this infamous groundhog emerges from from his hole, it means that spring will come early. However, if it is sunny and the groundhog emerges to see its own shadow, it will be frightened back into its whole and winter will persist for another six weeks. See if you can spot this happening as you enjoy the scenery that Roaring Brook has to offer! Here are the event details:

Location: Roaring Brook Nature Center

Date and Time: Sunday, January 31, 1:30-3:00 PM

Cost: $4 members, $6 nonmembers; half-price for children.

Full Moon Hike

Hoping to squeeze one more hike in before the storm this weekend? Come to the beautiful Coogan farm this Friday for a family friendly winter walk. This event is suitable for both children and adults and the best part, it’s free! I know people are probably tempted to spend their Friday night indoors, but hot chocolate (or other warm drinks of choice) will taste so much better after an evening enjoying the brisk winter air and exploring the nature that Mystic, CT has to offer. Register here! and call (860) 536-1216 with any questions about weather, cancelations, etc. 

Event Details:

Date: January 23

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Coogan Farm
162 Greenmanville Ave.
MysticCT 06355 United States

Photo from

Winterizing for Wildlife

Come join other animal lovers and their families to “help to make life easier for our native wild animals this winter.” The activities and crafts will include making feeders for the wildlife in your backyards and in the nature preserve at the Asonia Nature Center. The Nature Center will provide all the materials you need.

Date and Time: Friday, January 8th, 10 AM

TUITION: $6 per child ($4 for family-level FANCI members and Ansonia residents). Adults come for free. Pre-register for this class for preschoolers and their adults.