Date(s) - 10/25/2015
1:30 pm - 3:15 pm
Hoppers Birge Pond Nature Preserve
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Join us for a free Connecticut Forest and Park Association adventure at Hoppers Birge Pond Nature Preserve in Bristol, CT! Children ages 6 to 10 and their caregivers are invited at 1:30 p.m. for a fall scavenger hunt (pre-registration is required). Everyone is welcome at 2 p.m. for a Fall Foliage Nature Walk along East Birge Pond Trail to the Marsh Boardwalk, and around Birge Pond if trail conditions permit. The trail has a few hills and possibly muddy areas, so sturdy shoes and long pants are recommended. Please bring water and leave pets at home; all children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Patricia White and Susan Zaremba (860) 309-6072 to register for the scavenger hunt; (860) 583-9572 to confirm event details (rain cancels).